Health Care First Choice Limited

16-18 Transition Support Service

At Healthcare 1st Choice Ltd, we provide specialized accommodation support for individuals aged 16-18 transitioning out of foster care. Our goal is to equip these young adults with the skills and confidence needed to achieve independence by the time they reach 18 years of age.

Our support services are delivered in a shared housing environment where our dedicated staff is available on-site 24/7 to ensure safety, support, and guidance. The shared housing setting not only promotes independence but also fosters a sense of community and mutual support among residents.

Comprehensive Care and Support:

– Personal Care: Assistance with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, and personal hygiene to promote self-care skills.

– Educational Support: Guidance and support in educational pursuits, including enrollment in further education, vocational training, or apprenticeships.

– Life Skills Training: Coaching in essential life skills, such as budgeting, cooking, cleaning, and time management, crucial for successful independence.

– Emotional and Social Support: Access to counseling services and social activities that enhance emotional well-being and build social networks.

– Healthcare Coordination: Regular health check-ups and coordination with healthcare providers to address any medical needs.

– Career Guidance: Support in building a resume, job searching, and preparing for interviews to facilitate a smooth transition into the workforce.

Our staff works closely with each individual to create a personalized support plan that addresses their unique needs and goals, helping them to navigate this critical transition with confidence and success.

Empowerment and Independence:

Our program is designed not just to support, but to empower young individuals, encouraging them to take charge of their futures and thrive as independent adults. Through practical assistance, emotional support, and skill development, we help pave the way for a successful and independent adult life.

For more information on our 16-18 Transition Support Service, or to discuss how we can assist you or someone you know, please contact us. We are here to help make the transition to adulthood a successful and empowering experience.

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